Harsco Rail’s Contract Services provide customers with a high quality service by work crews that know the machines’ operation and maintenance best. With years of experience, Harsco Rail’s Contract Service teams have covered more than 640,000 kilometers of track, consistently achieving industry leading production rates and high quality output. Contract services include providing the maintenance, equipment, and labor to complete the job.
Harsco Rail has been grinding rail for over 50 years, covering more than 300,000 km (192,000 miles) in the last 7 years.
Harsco Rail’s contract track renewal systems have installed approximately 15,000,000 ties (equal to 5,700 miles or 8,500 km).
TRT-909 learn more
P811 learn more
Harsco Rail’s contract NTC units have installed over 4,000,000 ties (equal to 1,515 miles or 2,400 km). The NTC can readily complete one mile or 1.5 km per day.
The Rail Renewal System completes work on both rails simultaneously at 792 m/hr or 44 ft./min. (0.5 mph). It carries material (pads, insulators, epoxy) for over 3.2 km (2 miles). The Rail Renewal System is capable of tie pad replacement, rail seat abrasion, and other individual projects.
The Dipped Rail Weld Correction is an on track maintenance machine which corrects the geometry of vertically dipped Aluminothermic or Flash Butt Welds. This unit uses a beam, rail clamp, hydraulic cylinders, instrumentation and a PLC to correct the dipped weld. Including set-up over the weld, the dip is removed in approximately 60 seconds, and it can lift a dipped weld to a predetermined, operator adjusted peaked condition, usually .3 mm, + – .1 mm.
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