
  • Increased period between surfacing maintenance cycles
  • Reduction in ballast degradation and ballast cleaning cycles
  • Elimination of corrugation initiators
  • Reduced rolling stock maintenance
  • General improvement in track speed quality, durability and safety

Dipped Rail Weld Correction

The Dipped Rail Weld Correction machine, known as RASTIC, is an on track maintenance machine which corrects the geometry of vertically dipped Aluminothermic or Flash Butt Welds. This unit uses a beam, rail clamp, hydraulic cylinders, instrumentation and a PLC to correct the dipped weld. Including set-up over the weld, the dip is removed in approximately 60 seconds, and it can lift a dipped weld to a predetermined, operator adjusted peaked condition, usually .3 mm, + – .1 mm.